Common problems when ignoring the rules

Apr 10, 2023 0 comments


Unfortunately, ignoring expert advice is too common in our industry and the cost can be high.

If you appoint a professional team, a good rule of thumb for any #arkhlient out there would be to listen to your team rather than tell them what things should be.

Planning permission is granted by the local authority based on numerous factors such as design quality, local interest, impact on neighbours, heritage and sustainability.

It varies from borough to borough and town to town and it changes year by year to accommodate the needs of the local community.

You should therefore not assume that what someone else did can be followed in your property.

Regarding Building regulations, they are not optional. If you are reconfiguring your walls, relocating your kitchen, you are converting your loft or adding an extension… you will need Building control involvement.

And of course there are additional matters such as your lease obligations or the need for a party wall agreement...


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